Our Cufflinks Will Make You Stand Out From The Crowd

At Wimbledon Cufflink Company we produce a very wide range of different cufflinks in both silver and gold that you can buy from stock. These are all cufflinks of our own design that we have created over the years and which, if anything, are more popular today than they have ever been.

This is because men of standing still dress appropriately for the occasion. Directors of large companies don’t go to the office wearing jeans and a T-shirt, even though some companies take a very relaxed attitude these days and let their employees wear anything that they choose.

Some men today do go halfway and wear a suit, but with an open-necked shirt – presumably to demonstrate that they are defying convention. But men who understand the importance of looking properly dressed still wear a suit with a tie, and also a pair of cufflinks. If you look at most newsreaders on the BBC, your members of parliament, and other people of importance, they all dress with respect.

Certainly, you can do the same, but we don’t all want to look exactly the same, and there are a couple of things that you can do to stand out from the crowd. These are your choice of tie and your choice of cufflinks. Although there are not so many tie manufacturers today as in years gone by, because of the decline in the number of men wearing them, you can still buy some superb patterns and colours of ties, and you can team them up with cufflinks.

At Wimbledon Cufflink Company we not only have a very wide choice of cufflinks that we have built up over the years and which you can select from, but we can also produce custom-made cufflinks for you. Yes – you can have us make cufflinks to your own personal design!

Here is a recent idea that we had: personalised fingerprint cufflinks! Now that really will make you stand out from the crowd, wearing a pair of cufflinks in either gold or silver with your own fingerprint engraved upon them! Just imagine what a talking point that would be!