What Do I Give My Husband For Christmas?

Ah, it’s that time of year again. And the same old question. And believe us, you are by no means alone in asking it. There are many wives asking the exact same thing. The two of you sat down weeks ago and spent time discussing what to buy...

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Gifts For Men During Christmas

You thought summer has only just gone? Well yes, those hot days are not so far away. But here’s a scary thought: we are heading towards Christmas at full speed, and there is a lot to do. Presents to buy and wrap. Christmas cards to send. Who are...

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If You Don’t Wear Cufflinks, You Are missing Out Big Time

Many men today would not dream of wearing cufflinks because they buy shirts with a single cuff which have a button to fix them. Having said that, if you do wear that type of shirt, then you are missing out big time because when you wear a shirt...

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We Can Make Cufflinks To Your Own Design!

Cufflinks are small functional and decorative items that are used to hold the cuffs of a man’s shirt together. Or, to put it another way, to link the two cuffs. Back in the day, in the 13th century, men held the shirt cuffs together with pieces of string,...

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Cufflinks - The Most Valuable Tool In A Man’s Sartorial Armoury

Cufflinks are quite possibly the most valuable tool in a man’s sartorial armoury. Where else in the male wardrobe can you find a piece of jewellery that is at the same time functional and beautiful in equal measure? Certainly, some trouser belts can look great and are above...

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