Everything You Need To Know About Cufflinks

Many younger men have grown up today without knowing anything about cufflinks, since they have been used to wearing shirts with buttoned cuffs since their schooldays and may never have given any consideration to anything else.However, wearing a double cuff shirt with cufflinks can give you a very...

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The Age Of The Cufflink Is Not Dead

Many people consider that the days of men wearing cufflinks are long past, but in fact nothing could be further from the truth. If you Google “buy cufflinks online” there are over 29,000,000 results, and that wouldn’t be true if gentlemen were no longer buying and wearing them....

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Dress To Impress With Our Heritage Cufflinks

The way that the British man dresses has changed beyond measure over the last fifty years. Those of us of a certain age will remember that if you worked in an office or were a salesman in a store, or on a sales team that visited customers, or...

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Cufflinks Have Been Worn For Hundreds Of Years

Cufflinks in men’s fashion go back a very long way indeed. They first appeared before Shakespeare was born, in the early 1500’s, in France, in the form of strings that tied men’s loose-fitting shirtsleeves together at the wrists. Shortly after this, in the reign of Louis XIV, they...

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Who Wears Cufflinks These Days?

Cufflinks? Who wears cufflinks? The answer is a lot more men (and women too) than you might expect. Certainly, cufflinks have waxed and waned over the years, and it is true that today a lot of men wear single cuff shirts that have buttons. This is largely to...

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