Cufflinks Are Alive And Well

There are some men today who believe that cufflinks are a thing of the past, and for those men it might be true. They may buy their shirts with buttons sewn on to the cuffs, and as far as they are concerned, that’s it. The button is simply a gadget for fixing the cuffs together.

However, cufflinks are alive and well, thank you very much. If you Google “buy cufflinks” you get over 45 million results! So much for the guys who think they are out of fashion. Let’s face it, a button is just a button. There is nothing whatsoever that is exciting about it.

Cufflinks, on the other hand, can do the same job as a button while at the same time acting as a piece of jewellery. You can use cufflinks in all sorts of different ways in order to make a statement about the sort of man you are. The range of designs is almost limitless.

You can also spend as much or as little as you like. A pair of silk knotted cufflinks can be bought online for £4.95. Right next to that is advertised cufflinks from a very well-known French jeweller which, on either a red or blue background, has the name of the company on it together with “tous droits reserves” – all rights reserved – and Paris, New York, Londres in the centre.

It Takes All Sorts

So, for the princely sum of just £465 including VAT they will permit you to advertise their business for them! Very nice of them. If you want to show that you are wealthy enough to spend that amount to give them free advertising, then so be it. It takes all sorts.

At Wimbledon Cufflink Company we don’t produce designs of that sort, and our cufflinks don’t cost anywhere near that amount either. Many of our customers love our Heritage range of cufflinks which enables them to demonstrate their pride in the country in which they were born.

So, for example, as an Englishman, you might like The Tudor Rose Cufflink. This symbolises peace and unity, bringing together as it does the insignia of the House of York and The House of Lancaster. Set on a bright blue background, The Tudor Rose Cufflink displays the white inner rose of the House of York upon the outer red rose of the House of Lancaster. Brought to life in Shakespeare’s Henry V, the Tudor rose is also the symbol of the English national rugby team.